(Tales of the Unexpected)
Une série créée par
Roald Dahl 9 saisons - 112 épisodes
1979_1988 - 25 minutes - Couleur - Mono - NC
Bizarre, bizarre (Tales of the Unexpected) est une série télévisée britannique en 112 épisodes de 25 minutes environ, créée par Roald Dahl et diffusée entre le 24 mars 1979 et le 13 mai 1988 sur le réseau ITV. Les épisodes de deux premières saisons sont des adaptations d'œuvres de Roald Dahl, notamment des recueils de nouvelles horrifiques Bizarre ! Bizarre ! et Kiss Kiss....
Avec : Roald Dahl, Andrew Ray, Forbes Collins, Richard Johnson, Joan Collins...
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075592/ Langue : Français, Anglais
Sous titres : Français
Une trouvaille et un partage de
The Last Starfighter Saison 1 & 2 disponibles sur
Les Chroniques d'Atreyu Saison 1 (1979) (multi - avc - dvdrip)
Saison 2 (1980) (multi - avc - dvdrip)
https://uptobox.com/vrh82we89nvt/Episode 1.mkv https://uptobox.com/zr9sph3ij22s/Episode 2.mkv https://uptobox.com/iczqtu6cemhm/Episode 3.mkv https://uptobox.com/v9lk15u9783q/Episode 4.mkv https://uptobox.com/h1fs357wlyzl/Episode 5.mkv https://uptobox.com/jmkwe9agrrm8/Episode 6.mkv https://uptobox.com/udaw3h09ewub/Episode 7.mkv https://uptobox.com/fothrvy68mxh/Episode 8.mkv https://uptobox.com/dy2z5vspk4n5/Episode 9.mkv https://uptobox.com/xnhqrtvyecum/Episode 10.mkv https://uptobox.com/e7aw22qtyg7h/Episode 11.mkv https://uptobox.com/07hktcfczyv3/Episode 12.mkv https://uptobox.com/yja5l879gq4i/Episode 13.mkv https://uptobox.com/811hkkzysmtg/Episode 14.mkv https://uptobox.com/c8y9ehp3pael/Episode 15.mkv https://uptobox.com/hrcj5bc3cnzx/Episode 16.mkv Saison 3 (1980) (multi - avc - dvdrip)
https://uptobox.com/kegu8yjx80vm/3.01 - L'attrape mouches (The Flypaper).mkv https://uptobox.com/j8drf8pchjsb/3.02 - A Picture of a Place.mkv https://uptobox.com/of4gjmjmlqh8/3.03 - L'arme à gauche (Proof of Guilt).mkv https://uptobox.com/sklm6k9q1a0h/3.04 - Vengeance et compagnie (Vengeance Is Mine Inc.).mkv https://uptobox.com/50c7dac9f9mq/3.05 - On ne peut pas tout avoir (A Girl Can't Always Have Everything).mkv https://uptobox.com/dou7vf5job3h/3.06 - Parson's Pleasure.mkv https://uptobox.com/9okqrrscc09y/3.07 - Le raté (The Stinker).mkv https://uptobox.com/htrfqr0i0hjm/3.08 - I'll Be Seeing You.mkv https://uptobox.com/gsiqu20x3vt3/3.09 - The Party.mkv Saison 4 (1981) (multi - avc - dvdrip)
https://uptobox.com/t1e8s9m3l6yt/4.01 - La statue (Would You Believe It).mkv https://uptobox.com/nmmv1mmp8din/4.02 - Vicious Circle.mkv https://uptobox.com/pr6cy0qhuujr/4.03 - L'enfant qui parlait aux animaux (The Boy Who Talked with Animals).mkv https://uptobox.com/7v3uiackpe55/4.04 - The Best of Everything.mkv https://uptobox.com/vqtpx56yf36n/4.05 - A Woman's Help.mkv https://uptobox.com/sxe28nrdl7sk/4.06 - Shatterproof.mkv https://uptobox.com/lrq9ort3tb9u/4.07 - The Sound Machine.mkv https://uptobox.com/hssvf61qt9pv/4.08 - Le silence du tombeau (Never Speak Ill of the Dead).mkv https://uptobox.com/n1lppaezdu9n/4.09 - Au pied de la lettre (The Best Policy).mkv https://uptobox.com/ac1oh0afbp9d/4.10 - La dernière bouteille (The Last Bottle in the World).mkv https://uptobox.com/qaqcgkde6zaq/4.11 - Tableaux en peau d'artiste (Kindly Dig Your Grave).mkv https://uptobox.com/vs7oxn0esk2p/4.12 - À toutes épreuves (Completely Foolproof).mkv https://uptobox.com/vywx0uyvww4g/4.13 - Arnaque sur commande (There's One Born Every Minute).mkv https://uptobox.com/uylocajii4is/4.14 - Ma merveilleuse amie (Bosom Friends).mkv https://uptobox.com/eekufs681pwy/4.15 - A Glowing Future.mkv https://uptobox.com/myjfq9qk3ro5/4.16 - The Way to Do It .mkv https://uptobox.com/pw1uq75hs4ei/4.17 - Détournement (Hijack).mkv Saison 5 (1982) (multi / VOstFR - avc - dvdrip [2-3 épisodes en VOstFR])
https://uptobox.com/9cnwiakf8pem/5.01 Marigold (Blue Marigold).mkv https://uptobox.com/d8s4xoa902k5/5.02 L'Oreille indiscrète (The Eavesdropper).mkv https://uptobox.com/u04h3pmqe1bd/5.03 Opération Coffre-Fort (Operation Safecrack).mkv https://uptobox.com/pyiiohs7180g/5.04 Le Sablier (Run, Rabbit, Run).mkv https://uptobox.com/h486z9crimpx/5.05 L'Étranger dans la ville (Stranger in Town).mkv https://uptobox.com/4zbi0gmc0nk0/5.06 Les Taupes (The Moles).mkv https://uptobox.com/beu3msmpbj0g/5.07 Fausse note (Decoy).mkv https://uptobox.com/rjljpkgr3iph/5.08 Culpabilisation (Pattern of Guilt).mkv https://uptobox.com/zvuu0smkbion/5.09 La Rivale (A Harmless Vanity).mkv https://uptobox.com/smhi1uomkdab/5.10 La mort est là (Death Can Add).mkv https://uptobox.com/pw6cvsphwcog/5.11 La Main du coupable (Light Fingers).mkv https://uptobox.com/gbikk5235h5f/5.12 Mort au matin (Death in the Morning).mkv https://uptobox.com/u3it0jed2g6i/5.13 Les Comédiens (What Have you Been up to Lately).mkv https://uptobox.com/i4ni45yk17s5/5.14 L'Absence d'Emily (The Absence of Emily).mkv https://uptobox.com/j0f1wm3mu7ii/5.15 Dans le sac (In the Bag).mkv https://uptobox.com/06gwtoi95837/5.16 La Chance (A Man with a Fortune).mkv https://uptobox.com/2mktd6s7g28r/5.17 A qui la dame (Who's Got the Lady).mkv https://uptobox.com/3h0bsi0gpi0n/5.18 Le Squelette (The Skeleton Key).mkv Saison 6 (1983) (VOstFR - avc - dvdrip)
https://uptobox.com/cyiit5re5sp3/6.01 A Passing Opportunity.mkv https://uptobox.com/3g4md89hdlif/6.02 The Memory Man.mkv https://uptobox.com/tvg6reycaakm/6.03 A Sad Loss.mkv https://uptobox.com/g8y9rl6wim6z/6.04 Clerical Error.mkv https://uptobox.com/mw1knbf4bd8n/6.05 Heir Presumptuous.mkv https://uptobox.com/sf9vk804znts/6.06 Where's Your Sense of Humour.mkv https://uptobox.com/22i9ifj0nmut/6.07 Down Among the Sheltering Palms.mkv https://uptobox.com/aeykvekwhs11/6.08 The Vorpal Blade.mkv https://uptobox.com/okew1ymvyp0g/6.09 The Wrong 'Un.mkv https://uptobox.com/x9edlilzy3ft/6.10 The Luncheon.mkv https://uptobox.com/rrg668936qm3/6.11 The Tribute.mkv https://uptobox.com/bu6iuv8zpow0/6.12 Hit and Run.mkv https://uptobox.com/52bouyb1ayp4/6.13 Youth from Vienna.mkv https://uptobox.com/djulilg1yjdj/6.14 Turn of the Tide.mkv Saison 7 (1984) (multi - avc - dvdrip)
https://uptobox.com/ffvp0jzv24m2/7.01 - The Dirty Detail.mkv https://uptobox.com/im484tdt9p0h/7.02 - The Best Chess Player in the World.mkv https://uptobox.com/7g2f7mdxdz69/7.03 - Proxy.mkv https://uptobox.com/tzdrknii14sz/7.04 - Have a Nice Death.mkv https://uptobox.com/j49gsci4otwv/7.05 - Number Eight.mkv https://uptobox.com/1nhhrfis55ld/7.06 - The Last of the Midnight Gardeners.mkv https://uptobox.com/qpsw97dlbagv/7.07 - The Gift of Beauty.mkv https://uptobox.com/t78bstrdqfdr/7.08 - Wet Saturday.mkv https://uptobox.com/hkpj5acvx3y9/7.09 - Un amour froid (Sauce for the Goose).mkv https://uptobox.com/m2z5ghng3mim/7.10 - Drôle d'oiseau (Bird of Prey).mkv https://uptobox.com/1iml9d2fpdhw/7.11 - I Like it Here in Wilmington.mkv https://uptobox.com/kuez59sfhtyy/7.12 - Accidental Death.mkv https://uptobox.com/qgf0wpev4e4h/7.13 - The Reconciliation.mkv https://uptobox.com/ufmlg3rqu9j4/7.14 - The Mugger.mkv https://uptobox.com/kb7hg4unjbhk/7.15 - Les revenants (The Open Window).mkv Saison 8 (1985) (multi - avc - dvdrip)
https://uptobox.com/n354z0lp5yvx/8.01 - People Don't Do Such Things.mkv https://uptobox.com/ed7o343u2toz/8.02 - Situation d'avenir (In the Cards).mkv https://uptobox.com/ste6d00vf3z2/8.03 - Petits et grands moyens (Nothin' Short of Highway Robbery).mkv https://uptobox.com/l3g89zbhi53o/8.04 - Histoire d'os (Scrimshaw).mkv Saison 9 (1987_1988) (multi - avc - dvdrip)
https://uptobox.com/ozxjr2etedlj/9.01 - Un squelette dans le placard (Skeleton in the Cupboard).mkv https://uptobox.com/5dyvh3hzz1c2/9.02 - La femme du colonel (The Colonel's Lady).mkv https://uptobox.com/q09dtp70docn/9.03 - Le chirurgien (The Surgeon).mkv https://uptobox.com/u5fyt5xv2719/9.04 - Le bedeau (The Verger).mkv https://uptobox.com/84160jizguan/9.05 - L'apprentissage de la vie (The Facts of Life).mkv https://uptobox.com/4l2x8cpa6m5d/9.06 - Wink Three Times.mkv https://uptobox.com/xc2epxut6nxf/9.07 - The Dead Don't Steal.mkv https://uptobox.com/97h884q7zek3/9.08 - Histoire de mains (The Finger of Suspicion).mkv https://uptobox.com/eh7gvvq3xdkh/9.09 - A Time to Die.mkv https://uptobox.com/j3xwbpvh0ba0/9.10 - Monsieur je-sais-tout (Mr Know-All).mkv